Learn what are advanced Automations and how it can be used to reduce complexity.
Automations by nature have several defining factors in order for it to be triggered. The first point to consider is when , the automation will be triggered, meaning after what starting point. This often starts on whispli at the When

An advanced automation follows a similar triggering principle; however, its distinction lies in the scope of conditions and actions that can be initiated or generated upon activation. While standard automations are activated by one or more conditions leading to an action, the advanced counterpart can be triggered by multiple conditions simultaneously, leading to a multitude of desired actions.

The following video shows an example of an advanced automation. From here you can see exactly what we have at the tips of our fingers with an advanced automation.
An example of an Advanced Automation
From the video key elements are seen. The fact that there are several conditions that appear and also the fact that even though there are several actions, said actions can be edited in the the actually set up of the automation and be applied to several conditions by the click of a button.
In the event that you need additional assistance in setting up your advance automations , feel free to contact us for further details.