Learn about the situations where you would like to have more than one channel and how you can utilize multiple channels.
In Whispli, depending on the plan you are on, you can use multiple Channels. So, what are the situations where you might need to use more than one channel?
Different Technologies
With Channels in Whispli, soon there will be the ability for informants to submit reports via anonymous email, anonymous chat, and phone. It's up to companies to decide which channels they wish to enable, but these are set up to give informants different options with which to submit reports. Some older employees prefer to call, while younger employees prefer a web submission or live chat.

Local Language
Similar to Pages, organizations will also translate their questionnaires into local languages and they can use Channels to create a questionnaire for each language they wish to target.
Different Business Units
Some organizations have different questions that ask different business units, depending on what types of misconduct might be more prevalent. This allows a company to gain specific information without having a more lengthy questionnaire.
Different Types of Reporting
Depending on the type of misconduct, different parts of the organization might become involved. In some cases, more compliance-related misconduct will have a separate Channel compared to what human resources might use for more people-related misconduct.
Extreme Cases of Misconduct
In some industries, there is a certain level of misconduct that organizations want to separate and have a different Channel for reporting. This tends to be due to the severity of this misconduct as well as communicating how serious it is and how important it is to report. Two examples of this come from the healthcare industry; patient abuse in hospitals and elder abuse in aged care facilities. There might be a separate channel for reporting abuse to highlight the severity and to ask specific questions related to abuse.
Different Countries
In some countries, there are regulatory issues that necessitate asking questions or not asking questions, which means you will need to use a separate questionnaire for employees in these locales. Having the ability to set up multiple channels allows you to use a separate questionnaire, yet have all of the reports come back into Whispli.
The power of Whispli is that no matter how many Channels you use, the reports all come back into the Whispli platform so that you can manage them and get unified reporting and analytics across all of the reports.