Can I export all Reports data and/or all Workflow Submissions?

For Admins Users: Learn how to export either your Reports or Workflows data to analyze it in BI tools or for compliance reasons.


Whether it is for internal reporting needs or for compliance purposes, if you're looking at exporting all Reports or Workflows answers into a CSV format, the Data Export feature available in your Settings will help you achieve your goal.  


Export all Reports

You can export all your Reports by Channel: this means that you will get one CSV file per Channel configured, which you will be able to combine afterward if you're using multiple channels to gather Reports. 

Please note that archived Reports within their respective Data Retention period will be included in this export but not those for which it elapsed. 


Export all Workflow Submissions

You can export all your Workflow submissions by Workflow: this means that you will get one CSV file per Workflow configured, which you can then combine manually if you're using multiple workflows to manage investigations.
Please note that Workflows from archived  Reports or Projects within their respective Data Retention period will be included in this export but not those for which it elapsed.