For Configurator, Members and Admin: Learn how you can use Workflows to attach external files relevant to a Report or a Project.
As a case manager investigates a case, they might have files from outside of Whispli they want to attach to a Report. It's easy to set this up and you can use Workflows to create one or multiple places to attach files.
How to set up attaching files
In your Workflows, you have a question type called "Media" that allows you to attach different types of files. Supported files include Microsoft Word documents, PDF files, audio and video files, etc.
By choosing this question type, you can integrate specific areas of your Workflow where case managers can upload files associated with the Report or with a Project. You can provide one place to upload files, or depending on your internal processes, you can create multiple media questions to upload different types of documents.
You are also able to make these questions mandatory and the case manager will need to upload the file, or they can be optional. An example of a mandatory file needing to be uploaded could be a formal report that you need to upload in order to close a Report; by making this mandatory-you ensure all case managers do this before they can close the Report off.