Report Redaction

If you need to protect information after archiving a case, Whispli now allows you to delete keywords and phrases from archived reports.

To comply with local legislation, you may be required to remove sensitive information from a report. Below, we provide you with all the instructions to understand how to use this functionality:

When can you Redact?

The following conditions need to be met in order:

  • You must already have access to the report
  • The report must be archived.
How do you Redact a report?

When you open a report:

  1.  Click on the 3 dots beside the avatar (see the arrow below)
  2.  Click on the "Redact Report" option (in the red circle)


    Note: The Redact option will only be visible on Archived reports

  3. Now you will be prompted to search for the keyword (or phrase) you want to redact and then click on Next. Keep in mind that this will conduct an exact search so if the word you're trying to redact is typed in different ways then you need to conduct multiple redactions to ensure that you capture all the variations you require.

    An example of where you might need multiple redactions is if you were trying to redact the name "Paula". The system will find and redact anywhere "Paula" is found exactly, but would not redact "Paul" or "Paulas".
  4. Once you have decided on a keyword or Phrase and clicked Next then you'll see a short summary of how many times the report found the keyword/phrase. If the report had a version created from it, this summary will also recommend reviewing. Click next when you're ready to move to the next step

  5. After clicking Next - you will now have the option to replace the keyword or Phrase with a new value. An example for consideration would be to enter a value of "INFORMANT NAME" when redacting/sanitizing an employee or informant's name.


  6. When you have entered a replacement term and reason for redaction, you can then click on the Schedule Redaction button at the bottom of this prompt.

What happens next?
  • All Members of this Report will be notified that you're scheduling a redaction and why.
  • Informants will be notified that their Report has been scheduled for redaction. They will be able to download the current version of their Report for 60 days.
  • The redacted keyword will never be mentioned to other Members or to the Informant.
  • Members from this Report can cancel a scheduled redaction within 60 days. Afterward, the redaction will take place and it will be irreversible.
  • After redaction is executed, this Report can not be unarchived.

Other notes:

  • A redaction can not trigger and be redacted by another currently scheduled redaction.

  • You can only redact a term once, you can’t add multiple redactions of the same word(s).