Learn how to understand the overview of the report section as a Case Manager.
Report ID & Status
At the upper-left-hand corner, you will see the name and status of the Report. You can also choose its status to accurately reflect what stage this Report is currently in. You may customise the status to follow existing processes you have in place, as well as using automation to automatically change the status based on actions taken by the reporter or case manager.

This tab will always display as the first tab within the report, which is where you will find a high level summary of the report that has been submitted. You can see everything from the timestamp of when the report was submitted, who has been assigned (if any), which tag or workflows have been applied (if any) and whether the report has been linked to any workflows or projects.
You are also able to adjust any of the above listed modules directly on this tab by clicking on the green ‘+ Add’ button.
Internal Name
It is here that you can create an internal name that you will use to refer to the Report. Type in the custom name of the report here, this then becomes searchable within the Reports module.
In the Report tab, you can access the answers submitted by the reporter in their submission. If there is more than one step in your Channel then you can click through each step separately or click on “See all steps” to see all the responses on one page. Any files that are attached along with the report will be accessible in the reporter responses or in the “Report Files” section on the right hand side of the page. Clicking on the file will download it to your device. To see further details about any attachments, click on the “i” icon next to the file name.
In the Chat tab, you can see the 2-way, anonymous communication that you are having with the reporter. Here you will see any automated messages that were sent to the reporter, messages you or your colleagues have sent, as well as any attachments that have been shared by yourself or the reporter. Any attachments shared in this window will be visible and accessible on the right hand side of the page under “Chat conversation files”.
This window stays active even when the Report is closed.
In this tab, any information that is part of your investigation can be stored here because the information saved here is visible to other case managers that are assigned to the report only.
To submit a new note, Click on the green arrow button after typing. You can also tag other case managers by first typing in the @ symbol followed by their name. Please note that you can’t tag case managers that are not assigned to the current report.
Workflows are the processes that your organisation uses to manage investigations. In this tab, a case manager can manually choose which Workflow to apply to the report. Alternatively, with the use of Automations, workflows can be automatically applied via Automations.
The Members tab is where you can assign the Report to a case manager or add other team members to the Report by clicking on “Add members”. These can be individual case managers, guests or you can also add a group that you have already set up in your Settings.
In the Files tab, you can see an overview of all the files that have been attached to this report. This includes all the files in the report responses, the chat window and the workflow. You can also download any files from this tab to your device.
In this tab, any activity associated with the report is tracked and stored as event logs. Activity such as adding tags, changing workflows or changing the status is recorded to ensure transparency. This page is accessible by any case manager that is assigned to this report.